¿Qué ver en Suntopia world, Prefectura de niigata?
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Suntopia World is a popular amusement park located in the Niigata Prefecture of Japan. The park offers a variety of attractions, including roller coasters, water rides, and arcade games. The park is open from 10am to 5pm daily, and admission prices vary depending on the day of the week and age of the visitor. The official website for Suntopia World is http://www.suntopia.co.jp/english/.
In the surrounding area of Suntopia World, visitors can also explore the beautiful natural scenery of the Niigata Prefecture. Some popular attractions include the Niigata Furusato Village, which showcases traditional Japanese culture, and the Echigo Hillside Park, which offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Both attractions are open daily and have varying hours.
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